Friday, December 24, 2010

Imagination WithOut Borders _ Modern Archeticture

Buildings such as the pyramids or the Taj Mahal centuries excite admiration and disbelief. And what do modern architects? We present you most attractive modern building, which intrigued the public. These architectural wonders really need to see, enjoy!
Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain
Guggenheim Bilbao, Spain - since it opened its doors to visitors 1997th year, the museum does not cease to amaze. Not only because of successful exhibitions, but because of the unusual lightning titanium facade. Thanks to this building Geri overnight became an famous architect, and many builders are trying to “Bilbao” charm bring in residential and commercial buildings.
30 St. Mary Axe, London, Great Britain – The name of this building was actually his address, a nickname Gerkin, or cucumber, because he was reminded of this vegetable. Lord Foster opted for this unconventional concept, to dominate high-rise in London. To his outside was spent 240,000 square meters of glass and pieces are embedded like a mosaic.
 Central Chinese TV Station, China - This “square donut” has 55 floors, each of whom has a different layout. One of the largest office building in the world – just the Pentagon in Washington higher. Part of the building to hang has a glass floor, so fearless visitors through it to observe street from a height of 150 meters.

Auditorio Ibirapuera, Brasil – Co-author of the United Nations building in New York created in 1951. in this extraordinary concert hall to celebrate 400 years of Sao Paulo. However, the building was finished only in 2005. , after the spent 12.8 million dollars. Fortunately Niemeyer was able to experience to see his great creations (now has 101 years). But no matter what was built about 50 years, its design has been made obsolete, but seems innovative.
Taipai 101, Taiwan – Skyscrapers have bee avoided, for years in Taipei because of fears that the earthquakes and typhoons could take them down. But thanks to new technologies and materials, it is possible to make sufficiently flexible skyscraper that could cope with strong winds and earthquake prone areas. Has 101 floor above ground and five floors of the land surface. Currently the tallest building in the world.

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