Monday, March 21, 2011

Four Stages of Life “liquid need”

Every Human being certainly goes through the 4 stages of liquid needed in Life which i had tried to describe through the best possible way. Well their are some exceptional people who miss some stage due to “Global Warming and climate change”.
Stage 1. It’s a compulsory to follow you can’t deny after all it’s your food. Even don’t have enough strength to jump directly on 2nd stage.
Stage 2. Usually Parents forced the child to start it. From childhood parents ask child, where ever he goes for the soft drink which later become its habit.

 Stage 3. People think is the Key to get socialize, Later it become the best partner of life, forget about to get socialize its leave them alone.
 Stage 4. If you had followed the 3rd Stage certainly you going to have this one. Quantity and frequency depend upon the Time you spend in Stage 3.

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